What is the fastest way to clean a big office building?

What is the fastest way to clean a big office building?

What is the fastest way to clean a big office building?

Posted by Stephen Matthews @Office Cleaning Service First News on 2023-10-25

Cleaning an office building efficiently and effectively is a priority for both maintaining a professional working environment and maximizing the productivity of its occupants. Time is often of the essence, but finding the fastest way to clean an office building without compromising quality is a common challenge. In this guide, we embark on a journey to discover the secrets and strategies that lead to a swift and thorough cleaning of office spaces. Whether you're a professional cleaner seeking to optimize your workflow or a business owner aiming to keep your workspace in top condition, understanding the fastest methods for office cleaning is essential. Join us as we unveil the techniques and practices that can significantly reduce cleaning time while delivering impeccable results.

Prepare the supplies

Preparing the supplies for cleaning a big office building quickly requires thoughtful planning. First, one must choose the most effective cleaning products and equipment to ensure a thorough job. Necessary items may include an industrial vacuum cleaner, mop and bucket, dusters, sponges, window cleaner, furniture polish, carpet shampooer, and garbage bags. Additionally, protective clothing such as aprons or gloves should be considered for safety while handling chemicals. Once all necessary materials are gathered and in place it is important to create an efficient plan of action so that no area is missed. Breaking up the task into smaller sections can make it easier to manage and will help speed up the process. Lastly, appropriate music or podcasts can provide motivation while completing this daunting task!

Empty bins and trash cans

Cleaning a big office building quickly can be an overwhelming task. However, by focusing on the empty bins and trash cans first, it can help make the process much smoother. It is important to start by emptying all of the waste containers throughout the building, such as rubbish bins and recycling boxes. This will not only remove unwanted clutter but will also give you a good indication of how much space you have to work with when cleaning other areas. Once all of the bins and cans have been emptied, it is time to move onto vacuuming or sweeping the floors. Vacuuming or sweeping up any dust or dirt that has accumulated over time will help create a fresh and clean environment and make it easier to tackle any deeper cleaning tasks afterwards. Additionally, wiping down any surfaces with disinfectant wipes will reduce the risk of germs being spread throughout the office building. Following these steps should help make your big office cleaning project easier and faster overall.

Vacuum carpets and rugs

Cleaning a large office building quickly and efficiently can be a daunting task. However, vacuuming carpets and rugs is one of the most efficient methods to achieve this goal. Vacuums are able to suck up dirt, dust, and debris from carpets and rugs in an expeditious manner, thus allowing the cleaning process to progress rapidly. Additionally, vacuums are capable of reaching deep into fibers that traditional mops or brushes may not reach. This helps ensure that all dirt is extracted from even hard-to-reach places. Furthermore, vacuuming carpets and rugs is much less time consuming than scrubbing each surface individually. Thus, it can save valuable time ensuring that the entire office building is cleaned with haste.

Dust furniture and surfaces

Cleaning an office building quickly can be a daunting task. Dusting furniture and surfaces is an important part of this process. To make it go by faster, start by gathering all the necessary supplies, such as duster cloths, vacuums and cleaning solutions. Next, work your way from room to room systematically, dusting each piece of furniture and wiping down any surfaces with a damp cloth. If possible, delegate certain tasks to other people or have multiple people working simultaneously to speed up the process even more. Once everything has been dusted and wiped down, vacuum the carpets and floors before mopping them with a disinfectant solution. Finally, dispose of any trash that was collected during the cleaning session. By following these steps and working quickly but efficiently, you should be able to clean a large office building in no time!

Clean windows and mirrors

Cleaning the windows and mirrors of a big office building can be a daunting task. However, there are tricks to make the job faster and less overwhelming. First, it is important to gather the correct supplies such as glass cleaner, paper towels, and possibly a ladder if necessary. Once prepared with the right equipment, begin by removing any dust or debris from the windows using a dry cloth or vacuum attachment. Next, use window cleaner on both sides of each window pane and wipe clean with paper towels. Finally, use glass cleaner on all mirrors in the office building and buff them with soft cloths for a streak-free finish. Following these steps should help you quickly clean all your windows and mirrors in no time!

Mop hard floors

Cleaning a big office building quickly requires a thorough and efficient plan. A mop is an essential tool for hard floors, as it can quickly remove dirt and grime. To ensure the job is done efficiently, start by vacuuming the floors, which will suck up dust and debris before mopping. Afterwards, use a quality mop with plenty of hot water to scrub away any stubborn stains or spots; this allows you to get deep into crevices and corners that are often missed when using other cleaning methods. Allow the floors to air dry naturally; this will prevent streaks from appearing on the floor's surface. With these steps in mind, one can expect their big office building to be clean in no time!

Disinfect high-touch areas

Cleaning a large office building can seem like a daunting task, but there are several steps you can take to make it as fast and effective as possible. First and foremost, it is important to disinfect all high-touch areas in the building. This includes door handles, light switches, desks, keyboards, phones, faucets and other commonly touched surfaces. To do this quickly and efficiently, use an approved disinfectant spray or wipe to clean these areas thoroughly before continuing with regular cleaning tasks. Make sure that any product used is EPA approved for use against coronavirus on hard surfaces. Finally, be sure to frequently change out mop heads and rags between rooms while cleaning to reduce the risk of spreading germs throughout the building.

Wipe down walls, doors, and fixtures

Cleaning a large office building quickly can be daunting, but with the right strategy it is possible. To begin, it is important to declutter the area by removing any unnecessary items and organizing what remains. Once this has been done, wiping down walls, doors and fixtures should be prioritised as these surfaces are often overlooked during regular cleaning routines. This can be done with an appropriate cleaning solution and cloths or sponges. After this is complete, vacuuming carpets or mopping floors will help to leave the entire space looking clean and fresh. Finally, dusting all surfaces and polishing furniture will give the office a professional finish. With these steps in place, any big office building can be cleaned quickly and efficiently!


In our exploration of the fastest way to clean an office building, we've unveiled a range of strategies and techniques that can significantly reduce cleaning time while maintaining a high standard of cleanliness. Efficiency is a critical factor, particularly in the fast-paced business world, where time is often limited, and maintaining a professional environment is paramount.

A methodical approach, equipped with the right tools, prioritizing high-traffic areas, teamwork and specialization, off-hour cleaning, smart cleaning products, and regular maintenance are the key elements that define swift and effective office cleaning.

By adopting these strategies, office managers and cleaning professionals can optimize their cleaning processes, ensuring that the workspace remains in pristine condition without causing disruptions to business operations. This approach not only promotes employee well-being and productivity but also leaves a positive impression on clients and visitors.

Efficient office cleaning isn't just about speed; it's about maintaining a clean and organized workspace that fosters a professional atmosphere. It is a vital element in supporting the overall success and image of the business. By following the techniques outlined in this guide, you can achieve swift and effective office cleaning, ensuring that your office space remains a beacon of cleanliness and productivity in the corporate world.